The Probation Oversight Commission (POC) accepts complaints about School Resource Deputies (SRDs) employed by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD). We will discuss your complaint with you and help you submit it or submit it directly to LASD for investigation. The POC does not investigate complaints. If you have questions, please contact us at or (213) 633-5777. Multilingual assistance is available. For more detailed information about the complaint process, please see our toolkit here.
Please complete the complaint form below and provide as much detail as possible. You may upload documents, photographs, witness information, and other supporting documents. Please be prepared to complete and submit the complaint form in one sitting. The form should take no more than 15 minutes to complete. Pursuant to L.A County Ordinance Number 3.80.020, the POC only has jurisdiction to accept complaints about SRD’s employed by LASD. If you do not see your school in the drop-down list below, this means the school-based officer at your site is not employed by LASD. The POC does not have authority to accept complaints about officers employed by other law enforcement agencies. For complaints against non-LASD officers or about your school, please contact your school district office for further assistance or send us an email at and we will help direct you to the right agency.